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Volume 41 Issue 1
Jan.  2023
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WU Ruihan, MA Yanhong. Clinical effect of compound phellodendron gargle with total glucosides of paeony capsule in the treatment of erosive oral lichen planus[J]. Journal of Pharmaceutical Practice and Service, 2023, 41(1): 56-58. doi: 10.12206/j.issn.2097-2024.202208052
Citation: WU Ruihan, MA Yanhong. Clinical effect of compound phellodendron gargle with total glucosides of paeony capsule in the treatment of erosive oral lichen planus[J]. Journal of Pharmaceutical Practice and Service, 2023, 41(1): 56-58. doi: 10.12206/j.issn.2097-2024.202208052

Clinical effect of compound phellodendron gargle with total glucosides of paeony capsule in the treatment of erosive oral lichen planus

doi: 10.12206/j.issn.2097-2024.202208052
  • Received Date: 2022-08-11
  • Rev Recd Date: 2022-11-29
  • Publish Date: 2023-01-25
  •   Objective  To observe the short-term clinical effect of compound phellodendron gargle combined with the total glucosides of paeony (TGP) in the treatment of erosive oral lichen planus (OLP).   Methods  62 patients were divided into observation group and control group through a designed parallel randomized controlled study. All the patients used the total glucosides of paeony capsule , the patients in the observation group also used the compound phellodendron gargle. The pain condition, the healing condition of face, and the treatment effective in both group were evaluated through physical signs and VAS scores evaluations by SPSS 22.0, which could further evaluate the short-term clinical efficacy of compound phellodendron.   Results  After 30 days, the scores of VAS and physical signs of each group are much better than before. And the scores of VAS and treatment effective of observation group were significantly better than those of the other control groups (P<0.05).   Conclusion  The application of phellodendron gargle with total glucosides of paeony capsule could improve the treatment effect of OLP patients and reduce the oral pain , which could be used widely in clinical practice.
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Clinical effect of compound phellodendron gargle with total glucosides of paeony capsule in the treatment of erosive oral lichen planus

doi: 10.12206/j.issn.2097-2024.202208052

Abstract:   Objective  To observe the short-term clinical effect of compound phellodendron gargle combined with the total glucosides of paeony (TGP) in the treatment of erosive oral lichen planus (OLP).   Methods  62 patients were divided into observation group and control group through a designed parallel randomized controlled study. All the patients used the total glucosides of paeony capsule , the patients in the observation group also used the compound phellodendron gargle. The pain condition, the healing condition of face, and the treatment effective in both group were evaluated through physical signs and VAS scores evaluations by SPSS 22.0, which could further evaluate the short-term clinical efficacy of compound phellodendron.   Results  After 30 days, the scores of VAS and physical signs of each group are much better than before. And the scores of VAS and treatment effective of observation group were significantly better than those of the other control groups (P<0.05).   Conclusion  The application of phellodendron gargle with total glucosides of paeony capsule could improve the treatment effect of OLP patients and reduce the oral pain , which could be used widely in clinical practice.

WU Ruihan, MA Yanhong. Clinical effect of compound phellodendron gargle with total glucosides of paeony capsule in the treatment of erosive oral lichen planus[J]. Journal of Pharmaceutical Practice and Service, 2023, 41(1): 56-58. doi: 10.12206/j.issn.2097-2024.202208052
Citation: WU Ruihan, MA Yanhong. Clinical effect of compound phellodendron gargle with total glucosides of paeony capsule in the treatment of erosive oral lichen planus[J]. Journal of Pharmaceutical Practice and Service, 2023, 41(1): 56-58. doi: 10.12206/j.issn.2097-2024.202208052
  • 糜烂型口腔扁平苔藓(OLP)为自身免疫性口腔黏膜病 [1-2],它在临床上具有病情容易反复的特点,其中,糜烂型的反复发生糜烂、溃疡,同时潜在恶化可能,恶变率为0%~5.3%[3],对人体危害最大,患者常伴有疼痛不适,尤其是进食辛辣、热烫、质硬等刺激性食物的时候,有烧灼等不适感。由于致病原因不清,时下对于这一疾病尚无根治办法[2,4],大多围绕缓解痛感和促使恢复、预防癌变为主。临床上常用如糖皮质激素软膏涂抹或者局部封闭的方法,严重的全身免疫调节治疗,常用的有肾上腺皮质激素口服治疗,但是临床上的治疗也只能缓解症状,尽管取得了一定的疗效,但长期使用激素有明显副作用。近年来,中医中药疗法受到医疗工作者的关注,笔者观察了徐州市中心医院2018−2020年糜烂型OLP患者,采用口服免疫调节剂白芍总苷胶囊联合复方黄柏液局部含漱治疗,获得了较好的效果,具体报道如下。

    • 此次探究围绕2018年1月至2020年12月在本院口腔科收治的糜烂型OLP病患为中心,总计62位病患,男性21例、女性41例,年纪为39~75岁。此次治疗时间以30 d为准。采用平行、随机对照的方式,把全部的病患等分为对照组以及观察组,对各组的病患年龄、性别等一般信息予以对比,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),见表1。此次研究患者知情同意,并得到了院内医学伦理委员会的许可。


      纳入原则:①确诊是糜烂型;②没有严重的全身性疾病,不存在认知以及精神问题;③治疗前14 d没有开展系统性的干预,没有参与其他临床试验;④没有同期其他用药;⑤病患了解以及认同参与此次研究。


    • 各组病患都给予白芍总苷胶囊(宁波立华制药有限公司,国药准字H20055058,规格:0.3 g/粒)口服,每次0.6 g,每日3次。观察组辅用复方黄柏液(山东汉方制药有限公司,国药准字Z10950097,规格:150 ml/瓶)每次10 ml,含漱5 min,每日3次,疗程30 d。

    • 依据中华口腔医学会《口腔扁平苔藓疗效评价标准(试行)》[5]

    • 评分标准为0~5分,对应的依据依次是0分:没有病损,常规黏膜;1分:少量白色条纹,不存在充血,萎缩以及溃烂情况;2分:白色条纹并存在充血以及萎缩面域不大于1 cm2;3分:白色条纹并存在充血以及萎缩面域大于1 cm2;4分:白色条纹并糜烂面域不大于1 cm2;5分:白色条纹并糜烂面域大于1 cm2

    • 结合疼痛程度(VAS)评估,就各组的病患对于自我感觉的疼痛情况予以打分,划定为10个级别,线性的左侧为零,即不存在任何痛感;另一端则为10,即有剧烈痛感,将病患主观感知的痛感结合数字模拟方式表示出来,于线性上进行标注,得到VAS结果,0分:无疼痛(VAS 0);1分:轻度疼痛(VAS 1~3);2分:中度疼痛(VAS 4~6 );3分:重度疼痛(VAS 7~10)。

    • 显效即VAS评分是0,同时体征评分是0、1;有效即VAS和体征评分较治疗前均降低;无效即VAS和体征评分无改变或增加。有效率:(显效例数+有效例数)/总例数。


    • 应用SPSS22.0开展数据分析,计量数据行t检验,以($\bar x$±s)表示,计数数据行χ2检验,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。

    • 治疗前两组患者 VAS 及体征评分组间无明显差异(P>0.05);治疗后 30 d,观察组患者VAS评分及体征评分以及对照组VAS评分均较治疗前好转(P<0.05),实验组 VAS评分显著优于对照组(P<0.05),见表2

      治疗前治疗后30 d治疗前治疗后30 d
    • 表3效果评估结果可得,观察组有效性为64.5%,显著高于对照组(41.9%),P<0.05。

    • 糜烂型OLP作为一种常见的口腔黏膜病变,存在癌化可能,加之病损部疼痛,对患者饮食和说话都有影响,疾病反复、病程较长、难以根治给患者带来巨大痛苦。

      对该病的治疗,除了局部和全身用药外,还可结合中医药治疗。其中,白芍总苷胶囊治疗OLP的应用最多。白芍为毛莨科植物芍药的干燥根[6],为典型的传统中药之一,它的药用潜力较高,《本经》记载其功效丰富,在中西医方面都得到很好的普及使用。龚振东等[4]探讨了白芍总苷在OLP临床应用中的作用,结果表明白芍总苷对糜烂型OLP有良好的治疗效果。白芍总苷主要基于对细胞因子、T淋巴细胞亚群等的调控和管理完成OLP的诊治[7]。另外,白芍总苷还具有抗炎作用[8],相关研究指出其在抗炎过程中或许和调节免疫细胞、管控细胞因子以及相关化学物质等有着一定的联系,其免疫调节以及抗炎效果也得到了业内认可,对OLP的治疗有显著作用[6]。本研究中,单纯口服白芍总苷胶囊的患者在治疗30 d后VAS评分较治疗前有所好转,但体征评分无明显改变,治疗的有效率仅为41.9%,可能与用药时间短有关,因为郑赛巍等研究[9]发现,延长白芍总苷胶囊的用药时间可显著提高OLP治疗效果,建议用药至少3个月以上。

      胡爱平等[10]分析指出,单独使用白芍总苷胶囊的病患于干预之后90 d的VAS结果和体征评估结果都有显著提升,但治疗有效率仅为 53.1%,由此可见,单独使用该药效果并不理想[6,11]。复方黄柏液为局部应用的中成药,由学者谢景龙研制,为清热解毒、化瘀通络、消除疼痛的中药配方[12]。其中的黄柏、蒲公英等成分主要起消热解毒、缓通等功效,对于疮疡以及外部感染等问题有突出效用[13]。此外,对于复方黄柏液治疗疮疡和外伤感染导致的溃疡,临床测试有效性达97.7%,治愈性达84.6%[12]。宋志强[11]及其团队则分析指出,鼻咽癌病患于放疗期间选择该药剂,可以极大改善口腔黏膜炎症并能有效减小损伤,还可以明显减轻口腔疼痛。本研究中,观察组辅以局部含漱复方黄柏液 30 d后,VAS和体征评分结果对比之前都有明显改善,其中,VAS评分结果明显优于对照组,临床疗效为64.5%,也显著优于对照组。复方黄柏液已被证实[14-19]可通过改善创面炎症反应、上调相关生长因子及抑制细胞凋亡的作用,减轻局部组织损伤及促进局部微循环的建立加速创面愈合,减轻红肿疼痛。


Reference (19)



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