An 18 year research effort by the author has led to the findings of two types of physiological curving metamorphosis in human vertebra: 1. metamorphosis from injuries; 2. metamorphosis from regressive denaturalization. Curving metamorphosis in human vertebra is characterized by the decline in resistance to the gravitational pull of the earth, reslting in the loss of balance of varius degrees in physiological functions, and/or the others physiological and pathological changes .Clinical symptoms are in the meantime observed,such as vertebral syndrom, spinal marrow deficiency, high pressure from cerebrospinal fluid, syndrome of pressure alterations in peripheral nerve system, cerebral edema, and syndrome of encephalatrophy. Clinical observations with regard to the therapeutic effects have been recorded based on a 3 month to 18 yeas treatment by the application of Mei's Steam Therapy from December 1980 thru May 1997 of 100 cases of venous types, the results of which exhibit a reversibility of 90% and inversibility of 10% , and an incomplete reversibility of 30% and irreversibility of 70% among the patients of 60 and over.