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Volume 42 Issue 6
Jun.  2024
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LI Dan, DAI Xianchun, WANG Fangzhen, CHEN Yihan, YANG Ping, LIU Jiyong. Determination of four different components in Danggui Liuhuang decoction by HPLC-MS/MS[J]. Journal of Pharmaceutical Practice and Service, 2024, 42(6): 248-252, 266. doi: 10.12206/j.issn.2097-2024.202305007
Citation: LI Dan, DAI Xianchun, WANG Fangzhen, CHEN Yihan, YANG Ping, LIU Jiyong. Determination of four different components in Danggui Liuhuang decoction by HPLC-MS/MS[J]. Journal of Pharmaceutical Practice and Service, 2024, 42(6): 248-252, 266. doi: 10.12206/j.issn.2097-2024.202305007

Determination of four different components in Danggui Liuhuang decoction by HPLC-MS/MS

doi: 10.12206/j.issn.2097-2024.202305007
  • Received Date: 2023-05-06
  • Rev Recd Date: 2023-11-24
  • Available Online: 2024-06-24
  • Publish Date: 2024-06-25
  •   Objective  To establish the method of simultaneous determination of four main components of Danggui Liuhuang Decoction, including phellodendrine, palmatine, calycosin, and ferulic acid and provide reference for the quality control of Danggui Liuhuang Decoction.   Methods  Based on the HPLC-MS/MS analysis method, the positive ion data acquisition mode were adopted for the mass spectrometry detection and the four main components were quantified with multiple reaction monitoring mode (MRM) by ESI source. The chromatographic column was Agilent Extend-C18 (5 μm, 4.6 mm×250 mm), and gradient elution was performed with methanol and 0.5% formic acid in water.   Results  The linear range of phellodendrine was from 2-200 nmol/ml, and the linear range of palmatine, calycosin and ferulic acid was from 20-2 000 nmol/ml. The contents of the four components in the seven batches of Danggui Liuhuang Decoction were relatively stable, among which ferulic acid was mainly found in Phellodendrine and Coptidis; Phellodendrine was only detected in cortex phellodendri; the content of calycosin in Scutellaria baicalensis and Astragalus was higher; palmatine was detected in both Phellodendron and Astragalus.   Conclusion  The method had high sensitivity, good specificity and sample stability, which could meet the requirements of quantitative analysis of Traditional Chinese Medicine compounds, and could provide reference for further pharmacokinetics study on the content changes of traditional Chinese medicine compounds in biological samples.
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Determination of four different components in Danggui Liuhuang decoction by HPLC-MS/MS

doi: 10.12206/j.issn.2097-2024.202305007

Abstract:   Objective  To establish the method of simultaneous determination of four main components of Danggui Liuhuang Decoction, including phellodendrine, palmatine, calycosin, and ferulic acid and provide reference for the quality control of Danggui Liuhuang Decoction.   Methods  Based on the HPLC-MS/MS analysis method, the positive ion data acquisition mode were adopted for the mass spectrometry detection and the four main components were quantified with multiple reaction monitoring mode (MRM) by ESI source. The chromatographic column was Agilent Extend-C18 (5 μm, 4.6 mm×250 mm), and gradient elution was performed with methanol and 0.5% formic acid in water.   Results  The linear range of phellodendrine was from 2-200 nmol/ml, and the linear range of palmatine, calycosin and ferulic acid was from 20-2 000 nmol/ml. The contents of the four components in the seven batches of Danggui Liuhuang Decoction were relatively stable, among which ferulic acid was mainly found in Phellodendrine and Coptidis; Phellodendrine was only detected in cortex phellodendri; the content of calycosin in Scutellaria baicalensis and Astragalus was higher; palmatine was detected in both Phellodendron and Astragalus.   Conclusion  The method had high sensitivity, good specificity and sample stability, which could meet the requirements of quantitative analysis of Traditional Chinese Medicine compounds, and could provide reference for further pharmacokinetics study on the content changes of traditional Chinese medicine compounds in biological samples.

LI Dan, DAI Xianchun, WANG Fangzhen, CHEN Yihan, YANG Ping, LIU Jiyong. Determination of four different components in Danggui Liuhuang decoction by HPLC-MS/MS[J]. Journal of Pharmaceutical Practice and Service, 2024, 42(6): 248-252, 266. doi: 10.12206/j.issn.2097-2024.202305007
Citation: LI Dan, DAI Xianchun, WANG Fangzhen, CHEN Yihan, YANG Ping, LIU Jiyong. Determination of four different components in Danggui Liuhuang decoction by HPLC-MS/MS[J]. Journal of Pharmaceutical Practice and Service, 2024, 42(6): 248-252, 266. doi: 10.12206/j.issn.2097-2024.202305007
  • 当归六黄汤被国家中医药管理局录入《古代经典名方目录(第一批)》[1]。其出于金元四大家李东垣编纂的《兰室秘藏·自汗门》,主治阴虚火旺之盗汗证。原方由当归、生地黄、黄芩、黄柏、黄连、熟地黄、黄芪等7味药组成。古代医家对当归六黄汤的临床应用较为单一,主要局限于汗证。而现在对当归六黄汤应用十分广泛,在原方的基础上加减药味仍取得了显著效果[2-6]。涉及上呼吸道感染、心律失常、糖尿病及其并发症、更年期综合征、甲状腺功能亢进等多个系统疾病[7-9]


    • LC-20A高效液相色谱仪(岛津);QTRAP® 4000(AB Sciex);VORTEX GENIUS 3涡旋仪(IKA);Milli-Q纯水仪(Merck Millipore);MD 200氮气吹干仪(CHINCAN);New Classic MF电子天平(万分之一,METTLER TOLEDO);Z216MK高速温控离心机(HERMLE)。

    • 盐酸黄柏碱(批号:5436)、盐酸巴马汀(批号:8103)、毛蕊异黄酮(批号:7851)、阿魏酸(批号:8042)这4种对照品的质量分数均≥99%,均购自上海诗丹德标准技术服务有限公司。甲醇(质谱级,99.9%,默克);乙腈(质谱级,99.9%,默克);甲酸[色谱级,≥98%,赛默飞世尔科技(中国)有限公司];水为Milli-Q纯水仪去离子水。当归六黄汤中各单味药材均购自复旦大学附属肿瘤医院草药房,包括:当归(批号:20210615、20210705-1、20210723产自甘肃)、生地黄(批号: 20201217-1、20210324-1、20210401-1,产自河南)、熟地黄(批号:200801、210702、210801,产自河南)、黄连(批号:201101、210310、210601,产自四川)、黄柏(批号:210106、210605、210803,产自辽宁)、黄芪(批号:20200926-1、20201010-1、20210318-1,产自内蒙)、黄芩(批号:20201219-1、20210104-1、20210603-1,产自陕西)。

    • 分别精密称取4个对照品(黄柏碱、巴马汀、毛蕊异黄酮、阿魏酸),用甲醇分别配制成浓度约 10 mmol/ml 的对照品溶液,取各对照品液100 μl混合均匀,加甲醇至1 ml制备成浓度为1 mmol/ml的混合对照品储备液,−20 ℃密封保存备用。

    • 精密量取100 μl混合对照品储备液,首先稀释为100 μmol/ml的标准溶液,之后逐级稀释为2 μmol/ml、0.5 μmol/ml、0.2 μmol/ml、50 nmol/ml、20 nmol/ml、10 nmol/ml、5 nmol/ml、2 nmol/ml的系列标准曲线浓度。

    • 样品制备方法参照文献并根据实际用量进行调整[17]:分别称取当归1 g、地黄 1 g、熟地黄1 g、黄芩1 g、黄连1 g、黄柏1 g和黄芪2 g,粉碎过20目筛后,置于250 ml圆底烧瓶中,加入10倍(V/W)体积的超纯水室温浸泡1 h,回流提取30 min,过滤收集滤液,超纯水补足体积至80 ml,随后取滤液2 ml于50 ml容量瓶,加入超纯水至刻度,获得复方供试品溶液。分别称取上述各单味药材5 g,并分别粉碎过20目筛后,按照上述方法分别进行回流提取,获得各单味药材的供试品溶液。分别取复方供试品溶液和各单味药材供试品溶液稀释10倍后进样。

    • Agilent Extend-C18色谱柱(5 μm, 4.6 mm×250 mm),流速为0.3 ml/min,进样体积为10 μl,柱温为25 ℃,流动相:0.5%甲酸水溶液(A),甲醇(B)。洗脱梯度:0 min为15% B,5 min为50% B,12~20 min为95% B,20.1~35 min 为15% B。

    • 离子源为ESI源,雾化气压GS1:60 psi,辅助气压:60 psi,喷雾电压:4 500 V(正离子模式),温度:500 ℃。采集模式:多反应监测模式(MRM),阿魏酸离子对:m/z 195.3-145.1,保留时间24.03 min;巴马汀离子对:m/z 352.4-336.1,保留时间23.15 min;毛蕊异黄酮离子对:m/z 285.2-270.0,保留时间25.79 min;黄柏碱离子对:m/z 342.4-192.2,保留时间19.85 min。

    • 在定量分析中,对建立的分析方法进行验证是保证测定可靠、数据可信的必要条件。方法验证主要包括以下几个方面。

    • 选取20 nmol/ml浓度的混合对照品溶液进样,4种成分的总提取离子流色谱图见图1A。当归六黄汤复方供试品溶液的提取离子流色谱图见图1B。黄柏碱的提取离子流色谱图见图1C,巴马汀提取离子流色谱图见图1D,阿魏酸提取离子流色谱图见图1E,毛蕊异黄酮提取离子流色谱图见图1F。方法的专属性能够满足对中药复方主要成分的定量分析要求。

    • 按“2.1.2”制备一系列浓度梯度的混合对照品溶液后,由低浓度依次进样。方法的灵敏度较高,在黄柏碱浓度2 nmol/ml、巴马汀浓度20 nmol/ml、黄连碱浓度20 nmol/ml和小檗碱浓度20 nmol/ml的样品中,测得信噪比远大于10,能够满足对样品含量测定的要求。将药物峰面积和浓度之间进行线性回归,得到的标准曲线、线性范围如表1,相关系数r在 0.992 0~0.999 6之间。

      成分 标准曲线方程 相关系数r 浓度范围
      阿魏酸 Y=443X+73.8 0.999 2 20~2 000
      黄柏碱 Y=4.76×104X+1.57×104 0.995 8 2~200
      巴马汀 Y=1.02×104X−4.35×103 0.996 7 20~2 000
      毛蕊异黄酮 Y=1.54×103X+73.8 0.999 6 20~2 000
    • 精密吸取50 nmol/ml混合对照品溶液10 μl ,连续进样6次,记录峰面积。结果显示:阿魏酸、巴马汀、毛蕊异黄酮和黄柏碱峰面积的RSD分别为1.14%、1.94%、2.09%、1.33%(n=6)。连续进样3 d,结果显示,阿魏酸、巴马汀、毛蕊异黄酮和黄柏碱峰面积的RSD分别为1.96%、2.83%、1.85%、2.15%(n=3),表明方法的精密度良好。

    • 精密称取同批次当归六黄汤复方粉末6份 ,每份1.0 g,参照“2.1.3”项下方法平行制备供试品溶液后进样,测定4种成分的含量。结果显示:阿魏酸、巴马汀、毛蕊异黄酮和黄柏碱含量的RSD分别为1.89%、3.53%、2.12%、1.49%(n=6),表明方法的重复性良好。

    • 分别精密吸取“2.4”项下供试品溶液,于室温放置0 h、4 h、8 h、12 h、16 h、20 h、24 h进样测定,记录峰面积。结果显示,阿魏酸、巴马汀、毛蕊异黄酮和黄柏碱峰面积的RSD分别为0.96%、1.25%、1.21%和1.07%(n=7),表明供试品溶液在室温下放置24 h内稳定。

    • 取已知含量的复方供试品溶液6份,稀释100倍,每份取5 ml。分别精密加入已知浓度的对照品溶液0.5 μmol/ml阿魏酸500 μl、0.5 μmol/ml巴马汀600 μl、0.5 μmol/ml毛蕊异黄酮1 ml和0.1 μmol/ml黄柏碱500 μl混匀,加水定容至10 ml进样测定,计算加样回收率。结果显示,阿魏酸、巴马汀、毛蕊异黄酮和黄柏碱的平均加样回收率依次为97.74%、98.09%、102.50%和95.05%,RSD 依次为3.09%、2.87%、1.20%和2.14%(n=6),表明方法准确度良好,结果见表2

      成分 序号 已知浓度
      阿魏酸 1 22.50 25 46.82 97.74 3.09
      2 24.17 25 50.06
      3 18.10 25 42.54
      4 17.83 25 41.33
      5 23.63 25 48.26
      6 19.84 25 43.67
      巴马汀 1 32.81 30 63.57 98.09 2.87
      2 36.29 30 65.61
      3 32.74 30 61.52
      4 34.18 30 63.13
      5 33.42 30 61.83
      6 30.92 30 61.25
      毛蕊异黄酮 1 50.82 50 101.74 102.50 1.20
      2 53.50 50 103.86
      3 51.22 50 103.12
      4 49.31 50 100.53
      5 51.08 50 103.24
      6 55.33 50 106.26
      黄柏碱 1 6.54 5 11.18 95.05 2.14
      2 6.21 5 10.83
      3 6.47 5 11.22
      4 6.43 5 11.31
      5 7.23 5 11.97
      6 6.97 5 11.85
    • 选取3批不同批号的单味药材,参照“2.1.3”的方法,制备3批当归六黄汤复方溶液,测定不同批次当归六黄汤4种主要成分的含量。同时制备各单味药材溶液,通过测定单味药材中不同成分的含量明确主要成分的来源。阿魏酸、黄柏碱、毛蕊异黄酮和巴马汀的质量分数见表3。其中,当归、黄柏和黄连中均有阿魏酸,黄柏中阿魏酸含量最高。黄柏碱仅在黄柏中检出,其他单味药中均未检出黄柏碱。黄芩和黄芪中含有毛蕊异黄酮,黄芪中含量较高。黄柏和黄芪中均有巴马汀,黄芪中巴马汀的含量较高。生地黄和熟地黄中均未检出这4种主要成分,相关文献报道地黄中的主要成分为梓醇、糖类、氨基酸和地黄素等[18-19]。生物碱、有机酸并不是地黄中的主要成分。

      样品(批号) 质量分数(mg/g,n=3)
      阿魏酸 黄柏碱 毛蕊异黄酮 巴马汀
      S1 0.878±0.008 0.447±0.006 2.897±0.044 2.310±0.047
      S2 0.745±0.012 0.466±0.008 2.634±0.043 2.375±0.042
      S3 0.782±0.014 0.545±0.011 3.140±0.036 2.355±0.018
      当归(20210723) 0.956±0.035 / / /
      生地黄(20210401-1) / / / /
      熟地黄(210801) / / / /
      黄芩(20210603-1) / / 22.344±0.945 /
      黄柏(210803) 7.475±0.192 3.461±0.146 / 6.073±0.715
      黄连(210601) 0.428±0.017 / / /
      黄芪(20210318-1) / / 0.621±0.001 17.389±0.07
    • 采用HPLC法进行样品的在线分离,在建立方法的过程中对色谱中的流动相及洗脱梯度进行考察。甲醇对各成分的洗脱能力较好,并能很好的改善峰形。而且在水相中加入0.5%的甲酸都能够改善生物碱成分的拖尾,在对洗脱梯度进行优化时,最终采用“2.2.1”项下的洗脱梯度,能够实现各组分之间很好的分离并获得较好的峰形。

    • 黄柏碱、巴马汀、毛蕊异黄酮和阿魏酸在质谱分析中,正离子的响应较负离子的响应好,在正离子模式下,以上成分母离子存在形式为[M+H]+,通过二级裂解,选取裂解稳定响应较好的离子对进行分析。同时对多反应监测模式下质谱参数DP、CE值进行优化。其中,阿魏酸DP: 55 V,CE: 23 V;巴马汀DP: 76 V,CE: 39 V;毛蕊异黄酮DP: 75 V,CE: 33 V;黄柏碱DP: 66 V,CE: 34 V;使峰形和响应强度达到最优状态。


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