丽蕾金线兰Anoectochilus lylei Rolfe ex Downie是兰科金线兰属植物,主要分布于云南省,其植物形态与同属植物金线兰A. roxburghii (Wall.) Lindl非常相似,在民间被当作金线莲使用[1-2]。金线莲是闽台特色中药,基原是金线兰A. roxburghii(Wall.)Lindl[3],主要活性成分包含内酯苷和多糖等,具有降血糖、抗氧化、抗肝损伤、抗骨质疏松,还有减肥等生物活性[2,4-9]。前期研究发现,丽蕾金线兰和金线兰中的内酯苷类成分(金线莲苷和goodyeroside A)含量有较大的差异,12批金线兰金线莲苷含量为57.10 ~164.98 mg/g,仅1批检测到goodyeroside A,含量为1.69 mg/g;而丽蕾金线兰中goodyeroside A含量达到91.23 mg/g,金线莲苷含量仅为6.2 mg/g。金线莲苷和goodyeroside A是差向异构体,其药理作用具有明显的不同,金线莲苷具有抗高脂血症、降血糖和抗自身免疫性肝炎的作用,而goodyeroside A却无上述活性 [2]。因此,笔者对丽蕾金线兰植物形态特征、显微特征做了较全面的研究,以期为丽蕾金线兰的准确鉴定以及进一步的开发利用提供参考。
Morphology and microscopic identification of Anoectochilus lylei
目的 对丽蕾金线兰进行生药鉴定,为其准确鉴定及进一步开发奠定基础。 方法 利用性状和显微鉴定方法对丽蕾金线兰进行鉴定研究。 结果 丽蕾金线兰叶片为卵心形,通常具红色网脉,花倒置,具Y字形白色的唇瓣,唇瓣前部2裂片,裂片条状长圆形;中唇两侧各具1~3个短的细齿。显微特征主要为根、茎横切面中皮层宽广,根木质部维管束1~5个成束,茎木质部维管束1~7个成束;叶横切面主脉维管束有限外韧型,叶下表皮气孔类型众多,气孔以不定式为主。 结论 这些特征可为丽蕾金线兰的正确鉴定提供参考。 Abstract:Objective To perform the pharmacognostic identification of Anoectochilus lylei and establish the foundation for its accurate identification and further development. Methods The macroscopic identification and microscopic identification methods were used to identify A. lylei. Results A. lylei has ovate leaf shape, possessing red reticulated veins. Inverted flowers have Y-shaped and white lip. The anterior part of lip is two-lobed, and the lobes are linear-oblong. There are 1 to 3 shorts serrations on each side of the middle part of lip. Microscopic characteristics mainly show as follows: the cortex is broad in the transverse section of roots and stems; 1-5 and 1-7 vascular bundles in the xylem of transverse section of roots and stem, respectively. Collateral vascular bundle in the main veins of transverse section of leaves. There are multitudinous types of stomas in the leaf abaxial epidermis, most of which are anomocytic. Conclusion These characteristics could provide reference for the correct identification of A. lylei. -
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