Conception and charging mode of medicine service fee
摘要: 目的 2009年新医改正式提出设立"药事服务费"补偿医院取消药品加成后减少的合理收入,但是,社会各界对"药事服务费"的界定及收取模式意见不一。2010年卫生部相关负责人对"药事服务费"的解释及广东省等试点省份开展设立"药事服务费"的工作给出了答案。Abstract: In 2009,the new health care system reform formally proposed a medicine service fee as one of the compensation means for cancelling drug price addition in hospital. But, the people of all circles had different understanding of medicine service fee and its charging method. In 2010, the interpretation of person in charge of medical reform of the Ministry of Health and the projects of medicine service fee carried out in pilot provinces such as Guangdong Province gave us the answer.
Key words:
- new health care system reform /
- medicine service fee
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