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2000 Vol. 18, No. 2

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2000, (2): 67-68.
Abstract(2235) PDF (624KB)(487)
2000, (2): 68-69.
Abstract(2604) PDF (370KB)(1517)
Fever caused by antibacterial agents
MIAO Xiao-hui, Cai Xiong, WANG Guo-jun
2000, (2): 70-72.
Abstract(2274) PDF (579KB)(416)
Antibacterial agents associated fever,a kind of drug fever,means that fever is due to the administration of antibacterial agents,which may be related to the chemical construction of drug and idiosyncrasy.The mechanisms involved in drug fever may be mainly Type Ⅲ immune complex;or a combination of hypersensitivity reaction.Fever may devlop immediately after administration of a drug,or more commonly after one to two weeks of administration,which can not be accounted by present illness.The fever is usually low or middle-grade,may or may not be accompanied with skin rash,hepatosplenomegaly,lymphadenopathy,and malaise.The diagnosis of drug fever depends on:increase of body temperature after administration of a drug;cessation of fever after discontinuing of a drug;and no evdence of infection.The best way of treating drug fever is to discontinue the offending antibacterial agents followed by stringent medical survey in case of sever infection.If infection is not under control,it is recommended to change drug to a less fever-causing antibacterial agents,or in combination with the use of small dosage of steroid.
2000, (2): 73-74.
Abstract(2346) PDF (500KB)(1904)
2000, (2): 75-76.
Abstract(1900) PDF (371KB)(351)
2000, (2): 76-76.
Abstract(2786) PDF (250KB)(381)
Effect of Fufang Danshen injection on red cell indexes and the level of lipid-peropxidation in patients with psoriasis
ZHAO Xi-rong, JIA Yi-xing, HAO Xiao-jing, SONG Shou-zong
2000, (2): 77-79,90.
OBJECTIVE To study the effects of Fufang Danshen injection on indexes of red cell and malonyldialdehyde (MDA) content,superoxide enzyme (SOD) and glutathione-peroxidase (GHS-PX) activities in patients with psoriasis.METHODS Fourty-five psoriasis patients were treated with Fufang danshen,injection,compared with fifty normal subjects.We measured their four indexes of red cell,MDA,SOD and GSH-PX of blood.RESULTS The four indexes of psoriasis are all abnormal,especially the levels of mean cell volume (MCV) and mean concentration of hemoglobin (MCHC) (P<0 05).After treated with Fufang Dansen MCV and MCHC of red cell changed obviously,restored to normal levels.The level of MDA in patients increased and the activities of SOD,GSH-PX were decreased.After using Fufang Danshen the level of MDA decreased and SOD,GSH-PX were increased and P<0 05.CONCLUSION The abnormal degree of red cell in four indexes,MDA,SOD and GSH-PX were correlated with the stage of this disease,which suggest that abnormality of indexes of red cell and lipid-peroxidation may play a certain role in the pathogenesis of psoriasis,and this may be used as important reference indexes to judge the severity of the disease and evaluate the therapeutic effect of Fufang Danshen.
Effects of Qingkailing injection on acute cerebral hemorrhage
ZHANG Hong, ZHU Dong-sheng
2000, (2): 80-82.
Abstract(2868) PDF (254KB)(579)
OBJECTIVE To investigate the effects of Qingkailing (QKL)injection on patients with acute cerebral hemorrhage (ACH).METHODS 31 cases (treatment group)and 38 cases(control group)of ACH were treated with the same basic therapy,and treatment group was treated with intravenous drip Qingkailing injection.Scores of neurofunctional defect,efficiency and absorbency of intracerebral hematoma in two groups were compared.RESULTS The total effective rate of the treatment group and the control group were 83.7% and 76.3% respectively.The significant effective rate of the treatment group was 53.9% and that of the control group was only 36.8%.The treatment group was superior to control group in ameliorating neurological severity scores (P<0.01).The absorbency of intracerebral hematoma in treatment group was higher than that in control group.CONCLUSION QKL is effective and safe pharmaceutics for ACH.
2000, (2): 82-82.
Abstract(1979) PDF (829KB)(576)
Studies on the dissolubility and liberation of aspirin enteric coatel tablet
XI Rong-gang, WANG Xiao-bo, LI Zhong-liang, YAO Wen, LI Jian
2000, (2): 83-85.
Abstract(3029) PDF (1646KB)(2055)
OBJECTIVE To study the dissolubility and the liberation of aspirin enteric coatel tablet.METHODS Using basket meothod,the dissolubility and the liberation of aspirin enteric coatel tablets from different companies were determined.RESULTS The dissolution processed statistically:980222(T5019.3±0.8,Td22.7±1.1,m2.0±0.2);980407(T5013.2±0.5,Td17.5±0.6,m3.2±0.1);981005(T5026.3±0.2,Td32.0±0.2,m1.5±0.1);981225(T5019.4±0.3Td25.2±0.1,m1.8±0.1). CONCLUSION The results showed that there were significant differences in dissolubility and the liberation among the product(P<0.001).
2000, (2): 86-88.
Abstract(2219) PDF (541KB)(1262)
2000, (2): 88-90.
Abstract(1993) PDF (827KB)(876)
Determination of indometacin in glucosamine indometacin enteric coated tablets by HPLC
WANG Qiong-fen, MEI Hong-hui
2000, (2): 91-92,95.
Abstract(3070) PDF (897KB)(732)
OBJECTIVE To establish a method for the determination the indometacin content in glucosamine indometacin enteric-coated tablets by HPLC.METHODS Using SPHERI-5 RP-18 column,with methanol-water-acetonitrile-phosphoric acid(60:25:15:0.04) as the mobile.RESULTS An excellent linear relationship was obtained between the peak area and the concentration with the range of 10~60μg/ml.The average recoverary was 99.56%,the RSD was 0.65%.CONCLUSION This method is accurate,quick and reproducible.
Distinguish of the chinese traditional medicine,Hongqu with thin layer chromatography
XING Wang-xing, CHENG Shi-jing, MI He-ming, CHENG Rong-zhen
2000, (2): 93-95.
Abstract(2541) PDF (803KB)(642)
OBJECTIVE To establish a quality control method of the chinese traditional medicine,Hongqu.METHODS Hongqu made up of 7 ordinary species Monascus including M.aurantiacus Lee,et al were distinguished using thin layer chromatography(TLC).RESULTS The chromatographic behaviors of Hongqu made up of different species Monascus exist obviously differences.CONCLUSION TLC can be used as one tool of quality evaluation of Hongqu.
2000, (2): 96-98,103.
Abstract(7289) PDF (1207KB)(4181)
2000, (2): 99-99.
Abstract(1833) PDF (195KB)(809)
2000, (2): 100-100.
Abstract(2380) PDF (123KB)(907)
2000, (2): 101-103.
Abstract(1963) PDF (646KB)(454)
2000, (2): 104-105.
Abstract(1923) PDF (541KB)(1737)
2000, (2): 106-107.
Abstract(1955) PDF (362KB)(682)
2000, (2): 107-109.
Abstract(2063) PDF (465KB)(411)
2000, (2): 109-109.
Abstract(1895) PDF (204KB)(598)
2000, (2): 110-111.
Abstract(1928) PDF (309KB)(599)
2000, (2): 112-113.
Abstract(1831) PDF (201KB)(437)
2000, (2): 113-114.
Abstract(2147) PDF (203KB)(337)
Prescription of FDA to OTC
MA En-fu, XI Rong-gang, WANG Xiao-bo, LI Zhong-liang
2000, (2): 115-118.
Abstract(2979) PDF (611KB)(3040)
OTC drugs have the advantage of curative effect,safety and convience.This review mainly introduces the classification to OTC of FDA,providing with full clinical testimony,advertisement,drug combination,some important legislations and the questions remained about OTC.We should draw lesson from foreing advanced experience so that we can develop our study on OTC much better.
2000, (2): 118-118.
Abstract(2887) PDF (216KB)(603)
2000, (2): 119-120.
Abstract(2523) PDF (160KB)(923)
2000, (2): 121-123.
Abstract(2165) PDF (513KB)(283)
2000, (2): 123-123.
Abstract(2310) PDF (163KB)(415)
2000, (2): 124-125.
Abstract(1695) PDF (279KB)(446)
2000, (2): 125-126.
Abstract(2302) PDF (411KB)(476)
2000, (2): 126-127.
Abstract(1940) PDF (476KB)(499)