晕动病(motion sickness,MS)是因外界异常运动刺激引起的一系列生理反应,包括恶心、呕吐、冷汗、头晕等症状。人们日常生活出行乘坐飞机、船舶、汽车等交通工具过程中,晕动病时有发生,影响了人们正常的生活和工作。对海军部队而言,晕动病也是制约海军部队战斗力的因素之一[4]。研发和应用疗效好、副作用小的抗晕动病药物具有积极意义。
Advances in prevention and treatment for motion sickness
摘要: 晕动病是指人体在外界异常运动的刺激下,机体的一系列生理反应。随着科技的发展,越来越多的人选择乘坐快速运动的交通工具出行,因此晕动病的发生越来越多。目前已有大量药物及非药物干预手段应用于晕动病的治疗。该文对已经报道的晕动病的预防和治疗方法进行综述,以期为此类药物研发提供新思路。Abstract: Motion sickness is a series of physiological responses in human being caused by abnormal movement stimulation. With the development of science and technology, a growing number of people choose to travel by high speed vehicles. Motion sickness happens more frequently. A large number of non-drug and drug intervention methods have been reported in the treatment of motion sickness. This article provides an overview on the research developments in the prevention and treatment of motion sickness in order to provide new ideas for drug research.
Key words:
- motion sickness /
- prevention /
- treatment
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