尽管现代医疗卫生条件有了很大改善,但心血管疾病仍然是世界上主要的健康问题。据2018年世界卫生组织数据统计,每年因心血管疾病导致死亡人数占总死亡人数超过30%。动脉粥样硬化(AS)是动脉壁的一种慢性疾病,是引起心血管疾病的重要因素,病理特征为动脉内膜炎症、坏死、纤维化和钙化,动脉特定部位斑块形成[1-2]。AS致病因素较为复杂,目前认为主要与血管内皮细胞损伤、炎症反应、脂质代谢紊乱、自噬与凋亡失衡等有关。近些年研究发现,肠道菌群紊乱,特别是肠道菌群代谢产物和AS发生发展有着密切联系[3]。现代医学在AS防治中常用的保守治疗药物主要为他汀类药物,临床上取得一定的疗效,但是疗效不足以及药物的副作用等局限性也慢慢呈现出来[4]。传统中草药作为中华文化的瑰宝,在中国的应用超过5 000年,疗效显著,传承至今仍展现出强大生命力。中药尤其是中药复方由于具有多成分、多靶点、多途径的整体协同作用特点,在心血管疾病等复杂疾病的治疗方面显示出独特的优势。越来越多的学者研究中药复方治疗AS的药效物质基础及其作用机制,为中医药走向现代化、国际化奠定基础。本文综述近5年中药复方抗AS的作用机制,为抗AS中药复方的深入系统研究提供参考。
Review of anti-atherosclerosis mechanism of a TCM formula
摘要: 心血管疾病在全球的发病率和致死率仍居高不下,动脉粥样硬化(AS)是心血管疾病的重要病理基础,其致病机制至今尚未完全明确。目前主要认为,AS与血管内皮细胞损伤、脂质代谢紊乱、炎症反应、自噬和凋亡失衡等因素有关。传统中草药特别是中药复方在防治AS中取得良好疗效,对中药复方抗AS的药效及作用机制研究也越来越多。通过检索近5年的中药复方研究文献,综述中药复方抗AS作用机制,为抗AS中药复方的深入研究提供参考。Abstract: The global morbidity and mortality of cardiovascular diseases remain high. Atherosclerosis is an important pathological basis of cardiovascular diseases, and its pathogenic mechanism has not been fully clarified. It was reported that pathogenic mechanism of atherosclerosis is related to vascular endothelial cell injury, lipid metabolism disorder, inflammatory reaction, imbalance between autophagy and apoptosis, et al. Traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) formula has shown good effects in the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis. There are a lot of studies that showed the anti-atherosclerosis effect and the mechanism of TCM formula. In this paper, we reviewed the mechanism of anti-atherosclerosis action of TCM formula by summarizing the research literatures in the past five years, and provide reference for the further systematic study of anti-atherosclerosis effect of TCM formula.
Key words:
- TCM formula /
- atherosclerosis /
- mechanism /
- review
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